Friday, 29 January 2021

New facility to help Childers community officially opened

St Vincent de Pauls Childers shop has received an upgrade and a new centre for community assistance has been officially opened thanks to a grant from the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Programme.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt officially opened the St Joseph’s Conference Centre of Charity in Childers today and met with local volunteers.

“St Vincent de Paul Childers received $20,000 towards an upgrade of the Vinnies op-shop and the construction of the St Joseph’s Conference Centre of Charity,” Mr Pitt said.

“The shop had no designated staff room or kitchen and the sorting area was inadequate, so these improvements have given the volunteers a much more productive environment.

“The Stronger Communities Program has been very successful for community groups and organisations right through the Hinkler electorate that would otherwise struggle to fund these types of projects.

“More than 50 projects have received funding from the Stronger Communities Programme included new kitchens, BBQ trailers, little libraries and amenities upgrades,” he said.

St Joseph’s Conference president Geoff Parker said the organisation has been providing support and assistance to the Childers community for many decades.

“The Vinnies shop opened in the mid to late 1980s and we still have volunteers that were with us at the start, which is a great service to the community.

“The conference centre of charity helps members of the community requiring assistance or support and operates every day of the week,” he said.

Anyone needing assistance can contact the conference centre on 0457 183 360 or the op-shop on 4126 1822.

Another round of the Stronger Communities Program was announced in the Federal Budget in October. Grants of between $2,500 and $20,000 will be available to community organisations for small capital projects.

Expressions of Interest (EOI) for Round 6 of the Stronger Communities program are open now until February 19, 2021. EOI forms and more information are available at

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