Multiplex not eligible for NDRRA funds

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The following statement from a Government spokeswoman was sent to Hinkler media, in response to a story published by the NewsMail on November 20, 2014:

“Bundaberg Regional Council applied for funding from the Federal Government for their multiplex centre through the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).

“NDRRA is an initiative, jointly funded by the Commonwealth and State Governments, to provide disaster relief and recovery assistance to communities impacted by natural disasters.

“NDRRA is primarily for the replacement of essential public assets to their pre-disaster standard. Requests for betterment, or to increase the disaster resilience of a damaged or destroyed asset, may also be made under the NDRRA.

“The Bundaberg Council’s proposed multiplex centre was assessed as being ineligible under current arrangements for NDRRA funding, as the multiplex will not replace a destroyed evacuation centre.

“Bundaberg Regional Council has since indiated it will apply for the funds through the Federal Government’s National Stronger Regions Fund, which is a more appropriate program for this project.

“Applications for the National Stronger Regions Fund close on November 28. Council’s application will be considered as part of that process.

“The Federal Government is committed to examining current disaster funding arrangements to determine whether there is a way that we can better support important resilience initiatives. That’s why we asked the Productivity Commission to undertake an independent inquiry into natural disaster funding arrangements.

“PCYC’s accomodation is a matter for the Council and State Government.”

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