Just another stunt from Queensland Labor

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt and Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien have joined forces, yet again, to slam Federal Labor’s excuses as to why the Queensland Labor Government hasn’t signed up to the Hinkler Regional Deal.

“This is just more smoke and mirrors – another stunt. The Hinkler Regional Deal was announced almost 12 months ago and the boundary has not changed and will not change. The Cashless Debit Card started rolling out in January and its boundary won’t change. It is to help address social issues in the

Hinkler electorate and the Hinkler Regional Deal is to invest in vital infrastructure and help drive the economy,” Mr Pitt said.

“The Queensland Treasurer should just come clean and admit she has no money to commit to the Hinkler Regional Deal,” he said.

The neighbouring MPs have lobbied for a number of projects together including the upgrade of Section D of the Bruce Highway and the Land 400 contract to be based in Queensland.

“I stand by my record of delivery for Wide Bay which doesn’t hinge on the Hinkler Regional Deal,” Mr O’Brien said.

“There are already hundreds of millions of dollars of Federally funded infrastructure projects in the pipeline for Wide Bay that will create jobs and grow the economy,” he said.

“Queensland just has to stop its stunts and get on with the job of building them.”

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