Help showcase Hinkler in pictures

Thursday, 6 October 2016

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt has today launched an exciting campaign to encourage people across Hinkler to help him showcase the region in pictures.

“I’m putting together a photo book which will be given as a gift to visiting dignitaries and used to promote the electorate in Canberra, or if I am travelling in my role as Assistant Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment.

“I promote this great region of ours whenever I can and what better way than to show people how great this region is than with photos?”

Mr Pitt is calling on all photographers – young, old, professional, amateur, anyone who can point a camera and shoot – to contribute photos that best represent the region.

“It could be whales frolicking off the Fraser Coast, one of the beautiful sandy beaches along the coast, a roaring cane fire or iconic locations like the Urangan Pier and the Hummock.

“If you were trying to get someone to visit the region, what would you send them a photo of?”

Mr Pitt said it’s important that we tell everyone how great our region is; talk it up and encourage people to visit.

Each photographer will have their name and the location of the photo published in the photo book.

The closing date for photos to be submitted is 5pm Friday, November 11, and photos must be of a location in the Hinkler electorate.

You can find a map of the electorate here:


Photos can be submitted by email to with the subject heading ‘Bundy Bay & Bush’ or print copies will be accepted at the electorate office, 41 Woongarra Street, Bundaberg. Unfortunately USB’s cannot be used due to security issues.

By submitting a photo you agree to it being used in the book, with your name alongside it, or in any promotional purposes of the book. There will be no payment for its use.

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