Foundations laid for new clubhouse

Monday, 23 January 2017

Vintage car enthusiasts will have a new clubhouse soon, thanks in part to funding from the Federal Government’s Stronger Communities Program.

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said Bundaberg Vintage Vehicle Club had been awarded $13,200 to prepare the site and lay the concrete base with provisions for a new building.

“Once completed, the building – which is a disused Australian Army shed I helped secure for the club – will provide a much needed central meeting point for the club members,” Mr Pitt said.

“I congratulate Bundaberg Vintage Vehicle Club on their successful application and for contributing a further $13,200 of their own funds.”

Bundaberg Vintage Vehicle Club treasurer John Sweeney said the building would enable the club – which began in 1976 – to have its own club house for meetings and fortnightly club runs.

“It will also enable us to have kindred clubs visit, which will bring a great economic boost into the city.

Mr Sweeney said the club – which is for people interested in the restoration, preservation and maintenance of Bundaberg’s motoring heritage – currently has over 160 members, plus wives and partners.

Through the Stronger Communities Program, eligible community groups could apply for grants of between $5000 and $20,000 for small capital projects. All applications need to commit at least matching funding or in-kind contributions.

Each Federal Electorate is allocated $150,000 a year over two years. For more information go to 


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