Food monitoring

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said the National Produce Monitoring System (NPMS) trial was a perfect example of the waste and bureaucratic duplication that occurred under the previous Federal Labor Government.

“Monitoring the domestic use of agricultural chemicals is the responsibility of the state and territory governments,” Mr Pitt said.

“We have strict rules about which chemicals can be used in Australia, as well as the rate and method of application.

“Our farmers are committed to maintaining Australia’s reputation for producing the safest and freshest food in the world.

“Labor’s NPMS was a duplication of the work already being done by the States and Territories, that created yet another layer of red tape for our farmers.

“If left to run its full five years, the NPMS trial would have cost taxpayers $25 million on top of the three federally funded monitoring schemes already underway.

“The Federal Government monitors imported and exported food at Australia’s borders, via the Imported Food Inspection Scheme and the National Residue Survey.

“Food Standards Australia New Zealand – an independent statutory agency within the Federal Health Department – regularly assesses consumers’ dietary exposure to pesticide residue, and other contaminants.

“Major supermarket chains also have their own quality assurance systems to monitor residues, such as FreshTest.”

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