Entrepreneurship facilitators to help more mature Australians work for themselves

Thursday, 17 May 2018

More mature people in Bundaberg who are looking at becoming their own boss will have a helping hand come January 1, with today’s announcement of a new program.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said last week’s Budget included $17.7 million for an expansion of the Entrepreneurship Facilitators program to 20 additional locations to promote self-employment among more mature Australians.

“Bundaberg is set to benefit, with one of the new Entrepreneurship Facilitators to deliver services to local people.

“The facilitator will offer locals free mentoring and business support and refer them to assistance in their region, including the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme,” Mr Pitt said.

“Many more mature Australians are well placed to consider self-employment and I look forward to this initiative helping many people here in Bundaberg.”

The Wide Bay labour force region has more than 150,000 people aged 45 and over, representing almost two-thirds of the area’s adult population.  

Mature age unemployment rate (over 45s) for the Wide Bay labour force region is 4.5 per cent, slightly above the national rate of 3.7 per cent. However, more mature age people (aged 45 and over) make up almost a quarter of all unemployed people in the Wide Bay labour force region.

The three existing facilitators, who have had a focus on young people, have proved to be very successful – providing assistance to over 15,000 people in 18 months.

Facilitators will offer mentoring and business support, engage with relevant community organisations to increase awareness of the opportunities available through self-employment and refer participants to the most appropriate assistance available in the region, including to the New Enterprise Incentive Scheme.

The new facilitators will focus on providing support to mature age people, but anyone wanting to start their own business can access the services.

The 20 new Facilitators will be selected through a competitive process and start delivering services from January next year.

For more details the new Entrepreneurship Facilitators go to https://www.jobs.gov.au/entrepreneurship-facilitators.

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