COVIDSafe app

Monday, 27 April 2020

Downloading the COVIDSafe app will get lives and livelihoods back to normal sooner.

The app not only helps keep you, your family and the community safe, but the more people who download it the sooner we can start safely lifting restrictions and get back to business and out in the community.

It is an important public health initiative to help limit the further spread of coronavirus through early notification of possible exposure.

It is voluntary to use and speeds up the ability to respond to local outbreaks. It only keeps contact information for 21 days and information collected by the app is securely encrypted and stored on the user’s phone.

To download the app you can visit the Apple App Store

or Google Play:

If you are having trouble registering your phone number with the app, try temporaryily turning off your wifi and using your mobile data to register.

For more information on the app please visit:

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