Community Jobs Forum open to all Hinkler residents

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt will host a free Community Jobs Forum next week to inform job seekers about the assistance that is available to give them a hand up and encourage local businesses to create new jobs.

Mr Pitt said 10,000 invitations had been distributed by email, letter box drop and via job agencies and training providers. 

“Reducing unemployment is my number one priority and I want to ensure Hinkler residents are well informed about the options that are available to them,” Mr Pitt said.

“As well as receiving information about the various Federal Government incentives and programs, guest speakers will provide tips on how to start a small business, prepare for job interviews and make your resume stand out from the crowd.

“I’m pleased Luke Hartsuyker, Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, will also be in attendance to talk about the jobs and industries of the future and what skills will be in high demand.    

“I recognise that one of the major hurdles job seekers face locally is a lack of vacancies and high number of applicants, but that’s why we’re working to give businesses confidence to expand. Attracting investment to the region will boost the economy and help create new jobs.       

“The complex economic and social reasons for our region’s historically high unemployment rate cannot be addressed overnight. Reducing unemployment takes time, but we are making some real progress. 

“In the final year of the Howard government (2007) the local unemployment rate was six per cent. Over six years the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd Governments let it climb to 9.6 per cent (2013).

“Since being elected to Government, the Coalition has reinstated a number of the programs and policies first introduced by the Howard Government because they work. Latest ABS data (Oct 2015) for the Wide Bay region shows unemployment has dropped to 8.5 per cent.”  

For more information go to:

The Forum will be held in the Fraser Room at Hervey Bay Boat Club on January 29 from 9am to noon.

[ENDS] 21 January 2016

Media contact: Larine Statham 0427 653 814

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