Black Spot Program making roads safer in Hinkler

Thursday, 27 February 2020

Safety upgrades to a number of local roads in Hervey Bay and Bundaberg will be completed thanks to $624,000 in funding from the Federal Government’s Black Spot Program.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt announced today that four notorious black spots in Hinkler – three in Hervey Bay and one in Bundaberg – would be funded under the 2020-21 Black Spot Program.

“Without the local knowledge from the community – which provides input to help identify key black spots throughout the electorate – none of these projects would be delivered,” Mr Pitt said.

“The intersections which have received funding under the 2020-21 funding round are:

  • Exeter Street and Honiton Street, Torquay;
  • Exeter Street and Bideford Street, Torquay;
  • Exeter Street and Tavistock Street, Torquay;
  • Burrum Street and Boreham Street, Bundaberg West.”

“Upgrades at these intersections will include new signage, pedestrian refuges and ramps, as well as lighting and line marking.”

Mr Pitt said it’s important that our local roads are maintained and when necessary, upgraded to keep motorists safe.

“I encourage all residents and motorists in the region to nominate projects for future funding rounds if they are aware of a black spot.”

To nominate a black spot visit:

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development Michael McCormack announced Queensland would receive $25.3 million over two years under the latest round of program funding.

“The Federal Government’s record investment into upgrading roads is saving lives right across the nation,” Mr McCormack said.

“As a regional representative, I know first-hand how road crashes causing death and injury affect smaller communities.

“By specifically targeting road locations with a history of crashes for safety upgrades such as lighting, signage, traffic lights and roundabouts, the Black Spot Program reduces crashes causing injury and death at those sites by around 30 per cent.”

The Federal Liberal and Nationals Government has committed $1 billion to the Black Spot Program from 2013–14 to 2022‑23 to improve road safety across the nation.


Intersection of Burrum Street and Boreham Street at Bundaberg West: $366,000 for upgrading signage, intersection delineation and line markings. Replace existing culvert railings, construct new off-road shared pathway, drain and road crossing facilities;


Intersection of Exeter Street and Honiton Street at Torquay: $95,000 for installation of centre median island and giveway signs, pedestrian refuges on minor legs, yellow lines and upgrade pedestrian ramps and street lighting;


Intersection of Exeter Street and Bideford Street at Torquay: $83,000 for installation of a centre median island, signage, yellow no parking lines and upgrading the pedestrian ramps and street lighting;


Intersection of Exeter Street and Tavistock Street at Torquay: $80,000 for installation of painted Chevron on Tavistock Street over crest, painted threshold on minor legs, centre median giveway signage on both minor road legs, advanced warning signage and linemarking and upgrading pedestrian ramps;



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