90 second statement – Hinkler Regional Deal

Monday, 1 April 2019

Mr PITT: I rise with great news for the people of the Hinkler electorate: yesterday we announced that the federal government will contribute $173 million to the Hinkler Regional Deal. This is a game changer for our region. As part of that announcement, $40 million will be provided to the Fraser Coast Regional Council for the redevelopment of the town centre in Hervey Bay, something they’ve never had before. There was $7.7 million for an extension of the critical link through Hervey Bay which is known as Boundary Road and, of course, there was $9 million towards a $26 million upgrade at the local airport. That has already resulted in a contract with council for a manufacturer to go in there to build aeroplanes for export. That means 100 permanent jobs in that region.

In the Bundaberg area, there was $32 million for what’s known as the Quay Street bypass and $10 million down to the Gladstone Ports Corporation. That is wholly state owned, but the state simply would not act and so we have acted. That will provide a multi-use conveyor which will allow more exports out of the Bundaberg port. Of course that will range right out into the west, into the minerals province of the North Burnett. All of those individuals looking to export from a closer port will now have that opportunity.

So I say to Deputy Premier Trad in Queensland: get on board! Stop playing political games; we need you to contribute to the deal into the region. Stop messing about because your Labor mates want you to; this is about real people in the regions. We can do something to change their lives—you should do it, and do it now.

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