100 Days Report Shows New Government Focused on Families, Small Business and Economy

Sunday, 15 December 2013

The Coalition has today released a report on its first 100 days, showing it is getting on with the job it was elected to do.

Federal Member for Hinkler Keith Pitt said he was pleased with what he and the new Government had achieved since the September 7 election.

“We are implementing the plan that we took to the election to build a strong, prosperous economy and a safe, secure Australia,” Mr Pitt said.

“I was pleased to speak on the Carbon Tax Repeal Bills shortly before they passed the House of Representatives. The package of bills is currently before the Senate.

“Scrapping the Carbon Tax will save an average family $550 every year and will remove a $9 Billion weight from the economy – creating more jobs and opportunities.”

Mr Pitt said Operation Sovereign Borders had slowed illegal boat arrivals by about 80 per cent, meaning fewer people were risking their lives at sea.

He said the Coalition was working to bring the Federal Budget back under control.

“The interest bill on the debt we inherited from Labor is averaging about $10 Billion a year – that’s money we could be spending to improve services, deliver infrastructure or cut taxes,” Mr Pitt said.

“Like households, Governments must live within their means.”

Mr Pitt said the Coalition had successfully negotiated a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with Korea, which will benefit the region’s sugar, horticulture and seafood exporters.

“We’ve released the terms of reference for an Agriculture Competitiveness White Paper, which will make recommendations to generate jobs, improve farm gate returns and increase investment for economic growth,” he said.

“The first comprehensive review of competition policy in 20 years is also underway, to ensure small to medium sized businesses are getting a fair go.

“And the Productivity Commission has been tasked with undertaking an inquiry to ensure the childcare system is more flexible, affordable and accessible for Australian families.”

Mr Pitt said the Government committed a total of $40 million to help the people of the Philippines affected by Typhoon Haiyan.

“More than 700 Hinkler residents were born in the Philippines, making up the fifth largest migrant group in the electorate and so I was pleased the Australian Government sprang into action so quickly to assist their loved ones back home.”

Mr Pitt said his first 100 days as the Federal Member for Hinkler had been very productive:

  • As Hinkler’s representative in Canberra, Mr Pitt has so far delivered seven speeches and directed four questions to Ministers in the House of Representatives
  • Mr Pitt secured a total of $850,000 for three of his key election commitments, including projects at Hervey Bay Hockey, the Bundaberg Surf Life Saving Club and the Hervey Bay Surf Lifesaving Club
  • Progressed applications for ANZAC Centenary Local Grants Program, to help local community groups restore and build monuments that commemorate World War I. He also represented Hinkler at the Remembrance Day Service at the National War Memorial
  • Met with Assistant Minister for Employment Luke Hartsuyker to discuss the Coalition’s plan to help more Australians find and keep a job. The number of unemployed people in the Wide Bay-Burnett region increased an average of 12.2 per cent per annum since 2007 under Labor
  • Appointed a voting member on two of the Parliament’s 15 Joint Standing Committees (Infrastructure and Communications) & (Privileges and Members’ Interests)
  • Appointed a member on three of Coalition’s Policy Committees (Infrastructure and Regional Development), (Industry) & (Communications)
  • Sought and received briefings from NBN Co and Communications Minister Malcolm Turnbull about the progress of the National Broadband Network
  • Met with industry representatives and bodies, such as the Transport Workers Union, to hear first-hand about the issues confronting all sectors of the local Hinkler economy

“The Coalition is off to a strong start. I will continue to work hard for the people of Hinkler in 2014, to build the stronger, more prosperous country that we all want,” Mr Pitt said.

Media contact: Larine Statham 0427 653 814

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